sábado, 27 de abril de 2019

From Paris, France

April, the 27th

My dear, hello ...

You know how hard it is for me to start any of the letters I send you as I miss you so much, but ... how have you been?

I'm so sorry for this sudden silence but I have been immensely occupied as I've predicted and, I think, told you on my last letter.

Yes, the trip to France was rather intense as there were lots of clients wanting my attention as well as lots of friends to see again.

Being one of the greatest capitals of the so called "modern world", Paris is utterly filled with tourists and you already know how much that annoys me.

From all the noblesse that have requested my services I will mention Monsieur le Marquis de C and Madame la Marquise. 
As I guess I've also told you before, this noble couple have insisted to have their portraits done since my last trip to their country, so even before arriving I tried to establish contact in order to make all the arrangements for the sitting session.

They've received me at their château de Vaux le Vicomte and the occasion couldn't have been better:  after all the services given to the nation his Majesty très-chrétien decided to raise their status and are now Ducs de P (probably there was a somewhat coup de main by their cousins? Wink wink)
Won't bother you describing the château once again n'or I'll tell you all of the somewhat changes that this family has "inflicted" on some of the once great apartments of Monsieur F,  but I'll tell you that the gardens, as I was told later, were kept untouched since the last owner. And it was precisely there were, whilst preparing to sketch Madame, we were told that the Notre Dame Cathedral was on flames! Ah mon Dieu what an unpleasant fuss from then on! Madame la Duchess was distraught! In tears she was on her knees praying for God's mercy in the middle of the grass - can you imagine? Some minutes before she looked like an early blossomed rose, posing for my painting ...

(people tend to have bad or any memory at all! It was obvious for me that, even by being a symbol of the nation, none of that was still from its original epoch, so if it was rebuilt before, it will be rebuilt again, right? But anyway ... Surely his Majesty will gather all the efforts to keep and restore what was left within a blink of an eye, as he's such a powerful and enticing person ... I'm also sure that all the noblesse will gather their efforts and money to help their King and nation to have their symbol back.)

Ah but the paintings, well, the paintings came out beautifully as Monsieur decided to pose leaning against a beautiful iron gate whilst wearing a silk magenta habit! Madame, as I wrote you before, posed as if strolling in the gardens wearing a silk orange robe à paniers (quite difficult to keep all her dogs from ruining the scene !!)

I've made many other sketches which I'm sure I'll use them sooner or later on some other portraits or pictorial compositions, or maybe will transform them into sculptures? Who knows ... !

Well my love ... its getting late and I'm getting tired ... The light is awful and my eyes are already heavy ...
Too many emotions running through my poor soul whilst writing to you, so many memories, so many unfulfilled wishes ... I leave you now with the hopes of writing again soon ...

With much love and affection, yours truly,


Dear visitor,

For the sole purpose of quieting your soul we're obliged to clarify that all of the above content is a mere fantasy and that you can purchase the exposed artworks on Mr P's shop @ https://www.etsy.com/shop/myroyaldolls

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